When I was yet a little boy, I remember my grandfather farming everyday without stopping (he still does it). I helped my grandpa everytime he farmed. And he did it for only one simple reason. He did it to keep himself and his family alive. Why? Because his family was poor, he could not buy the most important things that keep a person alive, and their was a total of eleven people in the family, so life is hard for him. Sounds a bit like the people in Papa New Guinea. And since he was poor and very sick and old, he almost died a month ago, I think he was even in a hospital. And plus my grandpa is 77 years old.
It was very amazing and cool when they showed how the people lived before and still live now. They had to live on mostly the same thing, meat and wheat. But then they developed, and they developed pretty quickly. But when I saw the part how the people from Papa New Guinea live now. I am very not impressed. I thought they would at least invent more electronic things. Don't they realive that makes life much easier, BUT it makes us weaker.
I could not understand a few of the big words. That is what made the movie less interesting for me, but the movie was still interesting for me. And it also stopped me from writing more and interesting things on the post I did a day ago. And I am still wondering how those people about 11,000-13,000 years ago even got the idea of making all these tools, and plaster, and houses. They must have 'thought cratively'. One of the SLR's. I should a little bit of the credit to Mr. McQueen because he told me it could have been 'thinking creatively'.